Thursday, August 15, 2013

Irritation to Adoration: Watch out Pride, Here Comes the Fall

The teacher Q had last year at preschool, I had noticed, always looks at her husband with adoration. The glow of love on her face would light any room, and most certainly warms the heart of her husband.   I want that.  I want to know how to do that.  I want to view my husband with adoration, rather than the irritation I know I must show all too often.  I started thinking of how I could accomplish that and why I wasn’t able to do that now.  So, of course, it all became Jeff’s fault.

I needed him to be more in tune with me and with our girls.  I needed him to be aware of our feelings, to be able to read our body language, and to sense when our spirits were deflated.  I felt sorry for myself.  I wondered how I could get through to a passive aggressive man, how I could make him be better, so we could have a better relationship, so I could adore him.  I had managed to miss the point completely.

The Lord sent me a very strong message tonight in Bible class, which only the willfully ignorant could miss.  We examined many verses tonight, but they all had a similar theme.  Two in particular screamed for my attention.  The first is Proverbs 13:10, which says, “Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.  I have a very good friend who is constantly counseling me on how to be a better wife and mother.  If I were smart, I’d listen more to her council, and less to my selfish, childish desires.  Yes – I do want Jeff to be more in tune with me, to be more aware of feelings, body language, and my spirit.  There is nothing wrong in wanting that.  The error comes in punishing him, and sabotaging my marriage, when he does not do what I want or what I think he should.  I can’t control Jeff or force him to do anything.  By embracing my pride, I am only breeding quarrels.  Perhaps I should take a step back and view our marriage from Jeff’s eyes – that would indeed be a humbling experience. 

I want Jeff to extend grace to me when I fall short - if not grace, then certainly mercy.  I want my mistakes to be instantly forgiven and forgotten – not stored carefully away on a rolodex for memories.  I want to be treated like I matter, like I am important, and mostly, like I am loved.  When I am childish and hateful, (no seriously, it does happen) I want to be swallowed in a warm, loving embrace.  Seeing that these are the things I want and desire, are they the same things I am extending and bestowing?

For those of you who are familiar with the Bible, the second verse should come as no surprise.  Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”  I expect so much from my mate and am giving him little to nothing of what I desire for myself.  I have been humbled and rebuked by my God, and I accept it.

Perhaps the best way to have the adoration that I DO FEEL for Jeff to be apparent on my face is to treat him the way I want to be treated.  Sound familiar? It’s what we commonly refer to as the Golden Rule and can be found in Matthew 7:12.

How tiresome it must be to only have our faults remembered, but never our assets.  To be reminded of our shortcomings, but never our victories.  To be treated with contempt and derision rather than love and respect.  I have not been a good wife.  I have not served as an example to my daughters, nor have I been doing much that would win my husband over.  If I want to be viewed through the eyes of love, I need to see through the eyes of love.

I am married to a kind, sweet, generous man.  He works hard for his family and gives us everything he can.  Though I often greet him with a sharp tongue, he seldom reciprocates.  He loves me the best way he knows how, with everything he has.  His patience is pretty longsuffering, and compared to mine, a flat out miracle.  I love him, and need to do a better job showing it, and showcasing it, to him, our daughters, and the world.

It’s 12:01 am, and my wonderful husband just came around the corner to kiss me and wish me a Happy Birthday.  Ok, Lord.  I hear you, the message is received.  I have a good husband, one I need to treat with honor and respect.  I will submit to your will and love my husband the way you call me to.  It’s my birthday – what better gift could there be than to build a Godly marriage?
Perhaps reading my rather embarrassing admissions sparked a flame in you.  If your relationship isn’t what you want it to be, are you sowing seeds of discord or seeds of reconciliation?  I was looking at our marriage all wrong, and my pride was wreaking havoc.  Don't let your pride destroy what was intended to be beautiful and long lasting.

Thanks for reading – take care.


  1. It is a rare blog that moves me to tears. This one did.

  2. I couldn't agree more. Our current Sunday series is on Sin. We started with pride which led us to the conclusion that all sin stems from pride. Because when we sin we are only thinking selfishly and that is what pride is: doing what we want because we want it.

    I have found myself in the position of others seeing my frustration with my husband and it pains me every time. I don't want the world to think that my husband is inadequate at something or that I don't think he is the best thing in the world. I realize that I need to make sure I am working on this not just when we are out somewhere, but all the time.

    Paige, thank you for your insightful blogs. God has blessed you with this amazing ability. I look forward to reading the next one. :)
