I’ve had several nights in a row like this. As a result of a crazy, heavily scheduled week, accompanied by some changes in my life, by the time 10 pm rolls around, my eyes are burning and begging for sleep. I can hear what you are all thinking. Just go to bed, right? Oh, I wish it were that simple.
I have some obligations to fulfill before I can turn in. I had to write my Examiner article (thank you to those who read them!). I felt compelled to write a blog, since I haven’t done so in a week. Also, I had already scheduled myself to tutor and it was too late to cancel the hour. I also picked up some part time work for my old firm, doing some accounting work for them. Thank goodness it’s Friday, because I know if I tried to do some work on that now I would be transposing numbers like crazy. (Fun little fact about me, my eyes work independently, at times causing me some grief when I read or deal with numbers. Being tired greatly exaggerates the issues I have with this).
Beyond that, even if I went to bed straight this minute, with my eyes burning and my body crying for the mattress, I would lie there awake. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know. I have had sleep disturbance issues for as long as I can remember. Two nights ago, I was really tired, eyes burning, achy, etc., and turned in relatively early. I fell asleep ok, but then woke every hour. I don’t know why that happens, but it is terribly frustrating.
Last night, feeling all the similar symptoms after a long (and HOT) day, I did turn in at 10. At midnight, I was still awake. I got up and took an over the counter sleep aid, praying it would kick in quickly and that I would be able to wake up at a decent hour the next morning. (Fun fact #2, I am extremely sensitive to sleep aids. Even if I take half a dose, they have been known to knock me out for 12-15 hours. Waking me up if I’ve taken one is like trying to wake a dead person. Seriously.)
So, I don’t know what to do. I have tried just about every OTC sleep aid, and have been prescribed a few. Bottom line, unless I know that Jeff is available to hear and care for Quinn during the night and when she wakes up, I won’t take them.
Occasionally, getting up and taking a really hot bath will work. Or, going to the kitchen to get something small to drink sometimes works. Anything to change from lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. Like every other woman, my body can be screaming for the need to rest, but my brain refuses to shut down. At those times, it’s best to just get up and make the list or tend to whatever I’m thinking about. An hour out of bed doing chores is better than 3 hours of tossing and turning.
So, now you know why I’m writing, instead of sleeping. Tell me friends, what works for you when you can’t sleep?
Editorial note: You should have seen the errors in this sucker before I posted. Even then, I wouldn't be surprised if I missed some!